man wearing heavy makeup like he's in a heavy metal band

Heavy metal creativity drives engagement




Construction / Engineering


PR and content
Campaign delivery

What we did (in a nutshell)

We brought music into B2B marketing, using a bold heavy-metal aesthetic to launch Nuaire’s new fire-safe metal air brick. The campaign combined striking visuals, playful messaging and multichannel execution to engage architects and specifiers.

people wearing heavy makeup like they're in a heavy metal band
“We faced a tricky marketing task, as we were launching against established players. Lesniak Swann’s approach was perfect, as we were able to balance technical credibility with emotion and humour that moved us ahead of the competition.” Joe Lloyd-Allen Marketing Communications Executive, Nuaire

nuaire metal air brick colour swatches artwork made to look like a heavy metal vinyl lady wearing heavy makeup like she's in a metal band man with heavy makeup dripping down his face

A bold creative strategy for a technical product launch


Campaign planning
Concept development
Campaign photoshoot
Asset production
Multichannel execution

The Challenge

Nuaire, a leader in ventilation solutions, was launching a new metal air-brick to help architects and specifiers meet updated fire-safety standards. But they faced established competitors who already dominated the market. They needed a campaign that would cut through the noise and build immediate engagement.

A ‘traditional’ campaign, focused on technical details, would struggle to generate attention in a crowded sector. To stand out, we needed a visually disruptive concept that would grab attention – while still reinforcing Nuaire’s technical credibility and fire-safety expertise. 


The Response

We built the ‘Only Metal Will Do’ campaign around a heavy metal-inspired creative concept. 

Nuaire’s sales team were transformed into metal icons – complete with face paint and wigs – for a bold photoshoot that delivered fun, surprising visuals. The imagery and messaging (‘Only Metal Will Do’) were rolled out across social media teasers, industry press, digital ads and a landing page.

A swatch booklet in the style of a vinyl album showcased product colours alongside our rock-inspired visuals, reinforcing the brand’s unique personality and technical credentials.

A swatch booklet in the style of a vinyl album showcased product colours alongside our rock-inspired visuals, reinforcing the brand’s unique personality and technical credentials.