How to

How marketing managers can stress-test the positioning of their product or service

23 Feb 2024 By Kess Crighton 3 min read

You have a new B2B product or service to launch. You have a clear understanding of your offer – its features, benefits and USP. Now you need to position it in a way that’s compelling to your target audience. And you need that positioning to be watertight from day one.

Here are some methods marketing managers can use to get their service and product positioning bang on the money.

Workshop it.

Rather than trying to settle on a robust positioning statement by themselves, marketing managers should collaborate across the company.


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Kess Crighton

Client Services Director

Kess has worked both in-house and agency-side on B2B projects for major brands such as Uber, TalkTalk and M&S. Overseeing client services in Lesniak Swann’s Manchester office, she leads the studio teams in delivering impactful marketing activity for our clients. Alongside her strategic and project-management skills, Kess is also highly proficient in a number of leading martech tools, including HubSpot, Google Analytics and LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

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