It’s official… We’re a bona-fide B Corp company

Lesniak Swann has joined an exclusive movement of global companies to become a bona-fide B Corp company –  sharing a collective commitment to operate in a purpose-driven way with the aspiration to do no harm and benefit all.

Becoming a B Corp has required a fundamental shift in the way we work, driven by a collective desire to put people, the planet and profit at the heart of what we do. To this end, we appointed a dedicated sustainability champion within the company to lead this change, and who has been instrumental in helping us overcome the rigorous 12-month assessment process to successfully become a B Corp, the 2757th company in the UK to secure this leading sustainability standard.

B Corp certification is an intense process, which involved more than 500 hours’ work to collate evidence for over 150 different criteria to achieve the accreditation. This included details on how we have created a positive workplace experience for employees, and the process for choosing suppliers ethically, whilst also making operational and behavioural changes to support a low carbon footprint.

Following a rigorous assessment, we recorded a substantial score of 108, calculated based on the range of company policies including the continued support for hybrid working, ensuring minimal travel, and implementing a range of initiatives to support staff wellbeing. Alongside continued investment in learning and development for employees such as The PugMill Academy programme designed to drive excellence across all roles.

Our recent move to the historic Spode Works site in Stoke-on-Trent also played a part in becoming a B Corp. The building has been restored adhering to sustainability principles and includes the installation of heat pumps and other carbon reduction measures.

Becoming a B Corp follows on from us becoming the first B2B agency in the UK to achieve PAS2060 carbon neutral certification.

Jo Holdcroft, our nominated sustainability champion, said: “B Corps are businesses that use profits and growth for a greater good, which is why this certification was worth the long, rigorous process to gain it.

“We want to play our part in helping to create a sustainable future, so becoming a B Corp was extremely important to us as a business. We are a specialist B2B agency working with companies in the construction and engineering industries, so this knowledge of purpose-driven actions enables us to help our clients reach their increasingly important environmental, social and governance ambitions.”

Alex Swann, Managing Director commented: “Being a B Corp isn’t just a certification. It’s the beginning of a journey within a global community of organisations with a shared ambition to meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.

“As a leading B2B marketing agency we understand the power of making the right decisions and having a strong ethical approach in influencing and changing behaviours. This is a significant achievement for us, and we’re looking forward to using our role in the global community to support our clients in prioritising the importance of acting in a sustainable and ethical manner and help them to achieve their own ambitions.”